Sunday, 13 May 2012

Spring greens

 I've been saving up for ages and ages for a new camera, and to celebrate it's arrival, I have photographed some of the knit and crochet pieces I have been working on lately. The top few are loosely based on barnacles found along the seashore, in rock pools and clinging to rocks along the tideline. 

The green pieces are inspired by moss, lichen and tree bark; I love the vibrancy of the colours the damp British springtime climate cultivates. 

These are closeups of a huge knit and crochet piece I have been making using about 6 knitting needles at once, all of different sizes, with countless teeny balls of yarn hanging from it. My plan is to keep working into it, knitting into the surface and adding more crochet forms to really add depth. 

 In these 2 pieces I decided to go to the other extreme, working on teeny needles, knitting off edges at right angles to create a patchwork effect. I had been daydreaming whilst looking out of the car window, at green fields feeling inspired by emerging shoots of freshly planted crops. The arrival of spring after grey winter gloom always makes me feel the urge to make things.


  1. Thank you so much! I have been absent from my blog for ages, and so only just picked up your comment. Really kind of you to say.
